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Meet our partner – Boo Kyung S·M Co., Ltd.

About Boo Kyung S·M Co., Ltd.

Boo Kyung S·M has been in life-science field over 41 years, and has very close relationship with the most of major university hospitals & clinical reference laboratories in Korea who must be your potential customers. We offer a wide variety of products including assay kits, antibodies, reagents, lab equipment and other research tools for molecular biology, cell biology, and immunology.

Company at a Glance

Proven total bio solutions tailored for customers. Dedicated to providing high quality products for researchers in life science

Core Services/Areas

  • Biochemicals
  • Molecular Diagnostic Tools (Oligos, Stellaris FISH, Nucleic acid chemistry, etc.)
  • Assay kits for cell & immunology and Antibodies
  • Lab consumables & Equipment

Boo Kyung S·M Co., Ltd.
5F. 205 Dogok-ro, Gangnam-gu
Seoul 06231, Republic of Korea
